8 weeks

Tess • Wife💍Mommy👨‍👩‍👧‍👧FurMommy🐶
So my baby is 8 weeks this week, she'll sleep most of the night 6-7 hours before waking up, I'll feed her then back to bed for another 4-5 hours. Wake up for the day feed her then she will only be awake for 1 hour before she's fussing for another nap... And then goes the routine. Eat, up for 1 hour max, sleep. Eat, up for 1 hour, sleep. All day. And if she's not eating or sleeping she's usually crying. Idk what to do with myself. Can't get anything done. Anyone know why she's like this, is she the only one? No time to do tummy time or anything cause she just cried :/