Getting worried

Baby hasn't been moving as much as usual..... I m 33 weeks and 3 days could he just be sleeping I've had OJ and he didn't move just had some slight pressure :/ what should I do call L and D ? 
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Yep if you feel you should call and go in... just learned today that I was supposed to do kick counts 4 times a day now so like you know a lot of people always say the kicks slow down at the end that's not true they're not supposed to you're just supposed to pay more attention the kicks may change in volume or intensity but they're not supposed to get less and this is straight out of a labor and delivery nurse his mouth this morning to me


Posted at
Update!!! Went to L and D nurse couldn't find baby at all!! So she left and got the dooper and still nothing then went and got the so. With an ultrasound machine found baby hiding finally went they got me hook up to monitor he started running away and hiding again then they found him for the 3 red time and he was kicking like crazy.... He just wanted to get me all worked up and scare me half to death I suppose but he is all good thanks for the help 


Ashley • Aug 16, 2016
I went in


Ashley • Aug 16, 2016
Scared me when they couldn't find him but glad I went it


Kristin • Aug 16, 2016
I'm glad all is good! that's always the first thing my Dr wants to know is if baby is moving for me regularly. if not, they definitely wanna know! you did the right thing!


Posted at
Cold water and lay on your left side and try pushing on them, if nothing happens then I'd call


Posted at
I would go in! Same thing happened to me and I went right in after attempts to get her moving. Everything was fine but they kept saying how important it was I came in because you never know.


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I'd call your OB and see what they suggest. I don't want to minimize your concerns but our babies are running out of room. I'm also 33+3 & have noticed rather than strong jabs and kicks it feels more like rolling pressure and less often. I read 90% of the time they are sleeping right now. It's not unlikely that baby is getting all that activity in at night. I try to explain to my SO by putting his hand firmly over my fist and rolling my fist in his hand to explain the difference I feel. Good luck. I hope all is well. 😁


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Thank you