Induction bought forward

So I was booked in for my induction to happen on Sunday. Yesterday I noticed my feet were quite puffy, Bub was not as regular and when I elevated my feet there was no change in swelling. 
I called the hospital and they wanted to check my bp. So off I went. First bp was a little high so they did a CTG and after that checked my bp again. It was higher. Did blood tests and urine tests and checked bp about an hour after that. Still high. 
Midwife came in and advised that they needed to induce me earlier and up to me if it was tonight or tomorrow. 
They attempted at stretch and sweep but no luck because my cervix is too high. 
So I'm off to hospital tomorrow night to start the induction process and will have my baby boy on Wednesday all being well!! 
Shocked off my feet and still preparing myself but so excited at the same time. 
Fingers crossed everything goes smoothly.