Due date is today 8-15-16 RANT!

My due date is today and no baby yet! I'm so ready to have my baby girl here.  My lower stomach feels like it weighs as much as a bowling ball, my lower back is killing me, I continue to have lower cramps like a sharp feeling and it comes and goes. I just want my water to break already. I'm sick of working!! Everyone keeps asking me when is the baby coming meanwhile I'm sick of that damn question!  Don't ask me how I am, don't ask me when the baby is coming, don't ask me when are you done working, don't ask me if you can be the first to know when my water breaks. Just leave me the fuck alone! I don't know when the baby is coming, I'm fucking exhausted and mentally drained, I'm not going to stop working til my water breaks! And my husband will be the first to know! All the other comes last in my book. 
Jesus I can't take it anymore, the texts that say is she here yet are really pissing me off! 
Gosh I'm sorry if this sounds mean but I needed to get it off my chest. 
Thanks for listening 😊