Random waves of disgust/guilt after thinking sexual?

It's so hard to describe but sometimes I'll think of something sexual and suddenly I'll feel a random wave of a sad feeling I can't describe. It's almost like a deep feeling of guilt, disgust and depression but I really can't put it into words- it's a completely unique feeling and only applies to me having a thought of something to do with sex or attraction. The only example I can use is like on holiday, I had a bikini on and was trying to sit sexy etc. for a hot stranger around the pool, and it was almost like my inner conscious was punishing me for being so sexual. It made me feel kind of ashamed, like my conscious was saying 'wtf are you doing'. This only happens occasionally though, most of the time I think sexually its just normal but it's usually when I try to act sexually.
I'm sure it has something to do with hormones and my cycle and the fact I'm a teenager but I've never heard any information about it.. Has anyone else ever experienced this??