Birth plans anyone?!

Haley • 25 yrs old, married, 3 year old daughter 👧🏼 Angel baby 👼🏼 and currently expecting our rainbow baby 🌈💕💙
Hey there ladies! 
We are ALMOST THERE, I can almost feel that nice big breath at the end of delivery.. No really, I can't breathe half the time!!. I cannot wait to take a nice big slow breath! Anyhow..I just got off the phone with my lactation constaultant and we were talking about possibilities for my son. (There is a 50/50 chance he will have to have surgery after birth) I'm really bummed about the possibly not being able to breast feed immediately after birth. She was telling me to go ahead and make my birth plan to give to all my nurses, ect. 
WELL with my daughter 4 years ago (my first baby!) I had my birth planned out to a T and felt super excited to follow it. The nurse literally told me to put it away and they don't except birth plans. So I've always had this horrible vibe with them. Have you ladies (if this isn't your first) had a hospital respect your birth plan? If so what all is in your birth plan? Thankfully I have a better chance this pregnancy as my son will be born at IU Methodist/ Riley Hospital. 
I need some tips on what's on yours and what was your experience?(if you've done one before)