He said im insecure😔

Okay so me and my are 16&17 he has never been loyal in any of his relationahips but as soon. As we started talking he gave me passwords to all his social media accounts because I never believed a thing he said. In the Beginning of our relationship his friend told him about a girl that lives quite far from here that he should have sex with her because she's easy. I see that and I breakdown. He's like it was a bet and what not. And after that i 've never caught anything else. Fast forward to yesterday out of no where he said he's going to the apple store he's not talking to me about what happened so then after a while he's like how he dropped his water in the phone and the home button isn't working so I'm like okay. I'm on my period since yesterday and he knows. He was like babe Ima watch a movie that's like 1 and a half hour long so I'm like okay. 2 hours pass by and no text. All night I was in such pain and was texting him but he didn't respond to not a single text. I couldn't tell me mom that I had cramps because if I did she wouldn't let me go to school and I wouldn't be able to see him he knew this too. All night I spent crying because of how bad it was. On the morning I wake and still no text so i see him in school and kinda ignore him and then out of no where he texts me how he has to leave early because of an appointment at this point I haven't see. Him for like 5 days in a row. So I'm left alone again. So now I ignored him for a while and he texted me and is like how his phone wasnt working and it didn't get fixed till like 11 and what not and I don't believe that and now he's like I'm insecure and what not but in all I just care and love him. What do Ido😔😔