Cloth diaper detergent question

Hi guys! I'm a FTM new to cloth diapering. I'm currently waiting on my Nickis diapers to arrive. I received my AIO 12 NB BG and 12 OS elementals. I haven't prepped them yet because I figured I'd wait for my Nickis. I'm aware that I have to wash my natural fibers separately from my non natural fibers so I thought I'd start my NB stash today although I'm waiting on my Charles Soap to come in. I just read about how some people were having bad reactions on their baby's. Some people have had a huge success. Id really like to try to use it but don't know. Anyone use Charles soap on their cloth diapers? If so, what is your wash routine? If not, what do you use? I'm super anal about using all natural things. I heard tide was good but I'm not about having my baby's bum on chemicals like that even after additional rinses... Anyone else felt like but feel better about it for some reason?