6 week old has a cold 😢 Advice??

Sara • 7.2.16 👶☀️ • 9.16.18 👼⛈️ • 8.26.19 👶🌈
Please help mamas.. I'm a FTM and totally clueless as to how to help my poor baby. She is very congested, runny nose with a cough and some sneezing. Pediatrician just said it was normal and to watch out for a fever, which she doesn't have. They also suggested keeping her upright and using saline + the bulb but it doesn't seem to help much. And she HATES both those things and it's breaking my heart to hear her cry more. I don't have a humidifier and stores are closed where I am so I tried using her bottle warmer and holding her near the steam but the reservoir runs out too quickly, so currently standing on the bathroom holding her with the shower on. I have also heard vicks baby rub on her feet, which I have, but it says 3 months and up, is it safe it's not on her chest?? I'm also nursing her every hour or two to keep her hydrated. Any more tips? Please help! I just hate seeing my poor baby so miserable.