Im freaking out!!

Okay, so a little back story on me....I suffer from a lot of mental and physical issues and to sum it up... I'm anemic with fybromyalgia who also has pdsd and bi polar as well as depression so.....that being said....

I had sex with a guy twice both times with protection but he did cum in my ass without protection(sorry to get into detail...) And i washed myself after very well, peed and got everything out, and then we went at it again with protection.

Now, I have a very beautiful baby girl who is my joy. I obviously am no longer with her dad, but, I don't need another surprise in my life right now.

I'm 5 days late of my supposed period day. I'm irregular and always have been so I can't really base this on my period date, but I'm still freaking out because what would the odds be?! I've taken tests and they are negative but im noticing changes and I don't know if im just being crazy or if something is happening...

Any advice is taken. Thank you