Is it bad luck?

Is it bad luck to plan your own baby shower? I really want to plan my own baby shower. When I was pregnant with my daughter my baby shower didn't go as I liked it to. So this go round I want to do it myself. But my husband told me it would be rude to my mom and his to plan it on my own. I just want it to go exactly how I want it to and sadly my mom doesn't listen to me and does her own think because she wants what she wants. 
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Posted at
Well bad luck and being rude are two completely different things. What you could do is plan it yourself but include your mom and MIL. Maybe give them specific things to be in charge of that wont bother you if are done differently than you expected.


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Bad luck? No, no such thing. But maybe a little rude. I think we, as women, can set our expectations unrealistically high sometimes and then are easily disappointed when things aren't how we pictured them to be. And we idealize a lot, especially about weddings and babies (at least I do!) and want things perfect, when in reality, life just isn't perfect and a perfect baby shower, in the long run, will mean nothing. But since you asked for opinions, mine is that if someone wants to do something nice for you, that is a gift in and of itself and we should be grateful no matter how it turns out. Our relationships with people should be more important than getting things exactly how we want them. I find it strange when people throw their own baby showers, it feels like "Hey, come to this party and bring me presents!" But I'm coming from the frame of mind that I chose to have this baby so no one owes me anything and I should be able to provide for it and not depend on the gifts of others. Anything anyone wants to do for me and give to me is a bonus and I am grateful. Of course I know not everyone shares my point of view but that's how I see it.


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My mother is planning mine and I registered some preferences about certain things. Of course she was not happy about. My father the peace-maker, said that sometimes when people are doing something nice for you that it may not be the way you would have planned it, but that sometimes you have to grin and bear it. I don't necessarily agree with him, but to keep the peace with my mother I'm willing to grin and bear it. 


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No! Do it! 


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I hope not. I'm a very controlling person. But my mom is forcing me to let her plan it. It's driving me nuts. 


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I'm planning my own idc if it's seen as rude because I am doing t because I simply like planning parties. Especially since it's my first baby I want to include my mom , bestie and MIL but I want to be actively involved ! Do it ! 


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I don't want a baby shower so problem solved!


Ta • Aug 18, 2016
Exactly! I don't want ppl giving us baby gifts (sounds weird, I know) as my husband & I are extremely particular so why not save everyone the headache & just happily get everything ourselves?


Liz • Aug 17, 2016
Thought it was just me! And people are so mad about that...what gives?


Posted at
It's your baby and offcourse you can plan your own baby shower I think there is no bad luck with it. I face if you plan it and it does go according to your plans, it is great. Tht way it will b your own way. Offcourse you can't do everything alone but atleast you will b the manager of the project. I am planning my own with some friends to help out a bit .  Dnt worry just enjoy the phase 


Posted at
Nope. I'm planning my own and my mom will take care of whatever details I ask her help with.