Kept putting his penis in me while i said no?

So It was around 2:30 am and I was started to get tired so my bf told me to come lay on him and sleep, so I was laying on him stomach to stomach my legs over his hips and my head in his neck whilst he was rubbing my back. I woke up again around 3:00am and he asked if I was okay and I nodded since I was still half asleep. I awoke to him rubbing me and then slipt in a finger, I pulled his hand away and he started to get his penis out and tried putting it in me around 4 times, I moved my bum in the air to get it away and said no a few times and even took it back out he just kept saying let me put it in you..I was just really tired and didn't want it, bare in mind we had sex around half 9pm and around 2ish am so I wasn't really in the mood since I was more than satisfied. Was it wrong of my bf to keep putting it back in when I said no and actually took it out and moved my bum up in the air so he couldn't get to me?

Update: for all you people saying it's my fault because I was naked are assuming, I wasn't naked I had pj shorts and a T-shirt on!!

Also commenting I'm crying rape when I didn't mention the word I was just wondering since its my first relationship and I didn't feel comfortable waking up to him inside me without letting me know. But thank u for your harsh and rude comments really made me feel like I can post and ask for your help/opinions in the future...😢For those asking no he didn't back up when I said stop he put it in again like I said 4times.