Low HCg 5 weeks,


The only thing I know for sure is everybody is different but curious if anyone has had a similar experience.

Took pregnancy test 8/3 with faint positive. I felt pregnant I was tired, so hungry, boobs hurt (just like when i was preg. Before but has MC at 6 weeks)8/5 I started getting brown discharge every time I wiped then 8/8 the day my AF should have started I wiped and had dark red blood. 8/10 went to the er because I had bad cramps and thicker brown discharge (again only when I would wipe). My HCG was 257 and the vaginal sono saw nothing. (My last pregnancy they found the sac at 4 weeks) the nurse said not to worry I am early and to follow up with HCG blood work Friday 8/12 (48 hours) HCG level 360. The nurse said it should be doubling but to take another test Monday 8/15 ( 72 hours )it was 800 brown discharge has stopped. Had another vaginal sono Monday still found nothing, also noted that the Utetian wall was not thick at all.

I am cramping sharp pains on the left where the cyst is but now sharp ovulation like pains on right, back hurts, legs hurt really bad no other usual preg symptoms. What do you think is going on?