Preterm Labor!

Ugh, this pregnancy is taking such a toll on me! I was just discharged from the hospital again yesterday, after spending 5 very lung days there. I'm in preterm labor. Within the 5 days, I was given steriods for babies lungs and some meds to try to stop the labor. I've dilated more and am now 75% effaced. Baby is dropped and my FFN test came back positive. They gave me a tour of the NICU so I could be more prepared with what might happen. It was a very scary sight, just seeing all those precious little babies with all the tubes and incubators...I just cried my eyes out! Anyway, since there was no change in my cervix after they stopped the meds, they allowed me to come home due to the fact I only live 5 minutes from the hospital. Since I am now 34 weeks, they aren't going to stop labor anymore. I hope and pray baby stays in for at least a couple more weeks!! Strict bedrest it is!!