Milk protein allergy.

My 3.5 month old has a milk protein allergy.. I tried breastfeeding but it didn't work out so we had to switch him to similac alimentum. He's been doing GREAT for like 2 months now, but all of the sudden about a week ago he started having diarrhea. He seemed completely fine other than the diarrhea but we still took him into the doc, they tested his poop again to make sure he was still doing okay on the alimentum but the results came back positive for blood. 🙁 Now he has to go see a GI specialist. Yesterday I noticed some mucous in his poop also. Has anything like this ever happened to anyone else's LO? It's like the alimentum just suddenly stopped working for him, I'm guessing we're gonna have to switch him to an amino acid based formula. If anyone has any experience with something like this please let me know what ended up happening.