Okay so here is what is going on!

Had an ultrasound done Monday all they could locate is a teeny tiny GS. Went to ER yesterday due to severe conspation and pain in right side shooting down my leg.. They took my HCG and did a ultrasound this time still nothing in the GS but the GS was bigger. My last period was July 11th or 12th I believe I am not regular what so ever so it's hard to remember. My HCG was around 4,000 the dr said so I am worried.. Shouldn't there be something seen in the GS with my HCG being pretty high & I am super worried about a oblighted ovum. 🙏🏻😔👶🏻🌈 this is my third pregnancy. Miscarriage in April so a little freaked out. Success stories / prayers for me would be much appreciated! I had my two other children with complete ass holes. (Absolutely adore my children and would die for them, but would love to hit their dads with a car, mean, I know... Sorry. Lol)  Now all I wanna do is give my loving and the most caring man I have ever met his first child.