TTC might be prego but not sure?

So my husband and I are TTC we've been married for a little over a year but have been together 7. I met him when I was 15 (I'm currently 23), when we first started having sex I was 16 but my period was irregular. I got my first period at the age of 16 and i didn't have a regular period till about 19. Well when I went to the doctors he said that's normal it's good that im regular now. Well when I was younger because of my period being irregular I was always worried about getting pregnant. But my issue now is i get my period faithfully thanks to this app I know when I'm going to get it and what not if I'm late it might be 2 days. But I am currently 7 days late and I'm worried that it might just be an irregular period. Idk I took a test and it said negative so I'm just trying not to get my hopes up at all.. I have been cramping, my face broke out a little, I'm bloated and I've been a little emotional but this all happens before I get my period too. I've had these symptoms for 2 Weeks now though. I just want someone's opinion on if they think it's an irregular period or can I be pregnant. Which I would be so happy and so would he. I know this is long but thanks to all in advanced.