Husband alone with my bestie

For my birthday I asked to go to a amusement park as a family. This morning  husband threw a fit about not wanting to go. Like a complete break down. I left and we fought over text back and forth all day. He was extremely emotional and was all over the place. One min happy and in love and the next threating divorce. He asked what it is about him I still love multiple times. Just had a really rough day with him. And come home to find out him and my best friend hung out in our room while I was gone. He knows I think having other women in my room while I'm gone pretty weird and I would never be alone with a man to respect him. He says I just don't trust him. I'm pretty hurt not only the way he acted but then to find out he wanted to hang with my friend. He said she was here only 15 min and with her baby.  How would you feel?