He wanted to end it...

I got into a car accident yesterday (it was my fault). When we got back home, my fiancé and I ended up having an argument about finances that lead to me asking if he wanted his ring back. He said no, calmed down and we talked everything through. 
Due to it being the very bad end to a bad week, we had a bonfire and drinks and people came over. I got drunk and passed out early. 
I woke up alone, and in my stretching my foot hit his phone on the blanket. He has a bad habit of not locking his screen, so when I grabbed it, it was on. I went to turn it off and saw that it was open to his conversation with his brother... I admit that I peeked at it quick, but I wish I hadn't. While we were waiting for the tow truck, he'd told his brother that he was done, the wedding was off and that "she obviously doesn't give a fuck about our future." His brother told him to not be hasty and asked if we'd talked at all. My fiancé later responded that everything was worked out, but we're going to have to simplify the wedding now.
I'm so torn. I know we worked it all out, but I cannot explain the hurt. He certainly was planning on splitting up over this. I didn't get into an accident on purpose, and everyone is physically unhurt. I didn't purposely snoop through his phone. I don't know how to approach him on this....