SO and Pregnancy

Does anyone else feel that they're SO isn't excited as they should be about the baby? Our baby will be here in 3 months and by all means he's "excicted" but I feel like I'm 100 times MORE excited. He loves buying the baby clothes and talking about our family and he says he can't wait until the babies here but whenever the baby kicks and he feels it I don't feel like he's THAT excited he just kind of smiles and moves his hand and will turn and go to sleep or cuddle with me. He doesn't surprise me with baby clothes or bring up going to classes. When I bring up classes he'll agree on going but idk, maybe it's just my hormones. He makes sure he's at every ultrasound and will take off work for my apts but I read this app and see all these men crying when they feel the baby and stuff and it makes me feel like my SO isn't as excited as he should be. Is this normal? I've heard that a lot of men don't really become true fathers until the babies here, do you agree? Could that be it?