My 1st son

Melaney • Married for 10 yrs in December, one 3 yr old boy, trying for another child...
My sister in law always kept me busy and walking a lot on Fridays, we did a lot of shopping around that day... Saturday morning, my husband and I went to do some grocery shopping, were at SAMs club walking around, I thought I felt some discharge or may have peed a little so I went to the ladies room to check, nothing there so I used the bath room wiped and bam mucus plug drops and my water breaks! Shocked I leave the ladies room to him checking out and tell him "I think my water broke" puzzled of what we need to do next we loaded the groceries and head to the hospital. They took me right in I was 4 cm... When the time came to push I had no meds, I pushed for 4 hours beged the nurse once to give me a c section, she said no. I had a fan brought into the room, my honey feeding me ice chips and when the doctor finally came in she told me I needed a emergency c section... After that I wanted 4 hours to see him and meet him... Most wonderful day of my life... I'm pregnant again due August 13th with my 2nd... :)