My Birth Story❤️

So basically my original due date was July 28 . On July 26 had a BBQ got home late took a shower and went to bed around 11:30pm with some stomachache . Woke up at 3am went to the bathroom went to sleep again to wake up at 5am with some mild contractions so I knew that I was gonna have my baby girl soon . So excited I made myself a hot tea walked around my apt and took a hot shower but every contraction was 2min apart less than a minute also I had diarrhea an didn't know if was could take some imodioun . Around 9am I was ready to go to the hospital because I saw some stains on my pantie which I tough it was water so I got to the hospital and the contractions were getting stronger waited for the doctor to check me just to tell me I was 1cm and tell me to go home . I felt so disappointed cause as a mother of two I knew it wasn't gonna take me a long time to have my baby girl . Went back home and tried to take a nap of 30min but I just couldn't even I took some imodioun for the diarrhea but I couldn't sleep at all that was about 11:30 when I woke up again and start walking with these really bad cramps thanks god my mom and sister were by my side supporting me and giving me some back massage try to do my best breathing trying not to cry but the pain was too much when I finally decided to tell my husband and mom to take me to the hospital even I was afraid that they will send me back home so my husband went to get the car I felt he took forever I remember telling my mom where is he ? Referring to my husband . Why he's taking so long ?? I felt like pushing that's when things got real . My mom told me wait until we get to the hospital . I remember we left the house around 3:50 . We got to the hospital around 4:00pm I couldn't walk cause the contractions and the feeling that I was ready didn't let me . When I saw the nurses I told them I'm pushing they were in shock . One of them told me to lay down I took my dress with no underwear I didn't take my sandals out . Doctor checked me and said you're 8cm and you broke your water which I didn't have no idea , around 4:15 after trying to push 5min later she said you're 10cm I was in pain and just thinking about pushing they bring my mom and husband to the labor room got me ready and exactly at 4:33 after 3 pushes my baby girl Aida was born . A beautiful and healthy baby . Now she's turning a month old and it seems like yesterday I was holding her for the first time .