My sister

My boyfriend and I stopped by my moms house today on our way home just to say hello. While sitting in the living room with my mother, my sister comes out of her room and walks to the living room .. Me, thinking she'll be happy to see me, I look at her, smile and say hello and all I got was a cold " HI " mind you, my sister is 24 years old and I'm 20 years old, she came to live in the states when she was 17. We had a lot of problems growing up. She's a liar, likes to steal from people and has always been jealous of me. Over the years, she's calmed down a lot and somehow we've managed to get along. Anyway, I'm not sad about getting a cold hello from her today. I'm just disappointed that I have TWO sisters, and yet feel like I don't have any at all. My other sister is 22 years old and her and I hardly ever talk. Her and my other sister are like twins and I understand because they grew up together. I grew up with my younger brother and I get along with him perfectly fine, so it's totally fine with me. But I've came across people who've met their siblings at a much older age, and yet love and care for each other. It makes me sad to see my mother upset because we can't get along. I don't understand what's the jealously coming from. They both grew up in Guatemala and my brother and I grew up in Califnornia. Only reason it took so long for them to come to the states was because my mother wanted them to be old enough to travel and fixing their citizenship took years! I just wish we all would get along, I already done my part and tried to make peace but I still get a cold vibe from both my sisters. The 24 year old was very cool with me for a while and I rather not bring it up because all I'm going to get is "nothing is wrong" I just really feel like there's so much jealousy towards me and I cannot understand why...