Long story sorry in advance

I am pregnant with my 3rd child ,due March 12th and it has been quite the roller coaster.! I found out I was pregnant and immediately made an appointment the doc could see no pregnancy but blood work confirmed a pregnancy and the doctor for a very large ovarian cyst, he asked me to come back in a week. Went back still no visible pregnancy and the cyst had grown a significate amount. The very insensitive doctor then says he will remover the cyst tomorrow, my first question of course was is it safe whole pregnant? He responds your not actually pregnant! I sob so confused by this he tried to explain but I was so in shut down mode. I went to have blood work done and then home to tell my fiance , the next day we went in for surgery but my blood work showed elevated hormone still, nothing in ultra sound though. So he removed the cyst and asked me to go back next week. Finally at 5 weeks there was a visible pregnancy. I am now so paranoid and havents had another ultra sound or even had a doc listen for a heart beat and I have back pain again :( I'm just shy of 12 weeks. Any advice is helpful