Diagnosis: "lean PCOS"

After over a year TTC, my husband and I decided to go see a fertility specialist. I always figured something was wrong since my periods are very irregular (35-45 days) and I've never been pregnant despite not taking oral contraceptives. 
While my bloodwork came back normal, my ultrasound revealed ovaries with double the regular amount of egg follicles and a small cyst. 
My doctor explained to me that I am what they call "lean PCOS". This occurs when you have at least 2 PCOS symptoms without the weight issue or the presence of masculinizing hormones that some PCOS women experience. 
While I feel depressed by the diagnosis, I am partly releaved to know the reason I'm so irregular, a problem I've been struggling with my whole life (I'm in my late twenties). 
Even though my BMI is on the low side, I've been exercising and my cycle has shortened significantly (last cycle was just 27 days!). Next step, <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a>. I feel optimistic, but I don't know if that's just wishful thinking...
I would love to hear from other women with "lean PCOS", success stories, not-so-successful tries, concerns, fears... Anyone?