Moms with teenage girls

I was never a bad kid in school did my school work got good grades and went home, I wasn't in to dressing half naked and drinking and all that. Well my mom never let me go anywhere with my friends or my horrible boyfriend which at the time I thought he was something special. She kept me in the house and was strict on me I snuck out one time and got caught she beat me I was 16 or 17 at the time I don't remember how old exactly, her response was "bet you won't do that again" well guess what I did it again but this time I got sneaker and snuck out a handful or more times I never got caught again. After I graduated high school I lied to my mom to spend the night with my horrible boyfriend she found out I lied and kicked me out I ended up living with him and a year later still living with him he started abusing me I felt like I had no where to go my mom did kick me out I had no family near by and was embarrassed. A few months later I became pregnant and still was getting abused now I was pregnant and felt like I had no where to go his mom took me in but the abuse still continued until I was 8 months pregnant and just couldn't do it anymore at that time my mom offered me to stay with her again to get away from that family so i did. Oh his mom and him didn't like that idea at all when I told him I was done with him completely and I'll let him know when the baby is born he went crazy came to my moms house dragged me to the park and beat me then forced me to have sex with him . The next day my face was so swollen I couldn't eat my eyes were almost shut that's when my mom saw that the whole time I was with him I was being abused that her little girl needed help and she turned her back on me when I needed her the most because of her pride. That was almost 3 years ago and today was the first day she told me that she shouldn't have done that to me she should a have let me have fun and to be more understanding to listen more and I probably would have never went threw all that. I would have went to college and met someone new in due time being hard on your child will only cause them to pull away more and more often into the wrong direction. My baby girl is 2 years old now and I wouldn't change a thing but I'm just letting yal know sometimes kicking them out because they don't do what you say or forcing them to have no social life outside of school will cause more harm then good. I promised myself I'll learn from my moms mistake to let my child be a child to let her have fun as much as she can so she can see a controlling boyfriend is nothing but trouble.  But always be a mom and show her right from wrong to be a young lady not a quick and easy. Thank you for the ones who read it sorry it was so long