Asymmetrical Intrauterine Growth Restriction

my whole entire pregnancy I've been measuring smaller (6cm too small for fundal height) but it's been consistent. I had a growth scan at 30 weeks and baby was in the 49th percentile and everything looked awesome. Today at 35.3 weeks at my growth scan, everything measured good at 35ish weeks, but baby's belly circumference measured at 32.5 weeks. So everything else did 5 weeks growth but not her belly. The high risk doc said that he's worried about it and I have to go back in 2 weeks unless my fundal height doesn't grow by my next OB apt next Wednesday, in which case I have to get an emergency Ultrasound. Anyone been through this? I was so worried I didn't even ask what a small belly means? Or what percentile her belly falls in!! Uhg help please