This has turned into a nightmare...

I'm 19w4d with my first baby. I had an ultrasound last first one because my pregnancy had been healthy. Long story short, I was referred to a specialist and we found out our baby girl has Bladder Outlet Obstruction. This is a rare disorder that causes the bladder to fill with urine but not expel urine. Our baby's bladder was five times the normal size. 
I had the first amniocentesis (needle inserted through my stomach into the baby's bladder) to remove the fluid on Friday. Preliminary test results came back normal for kidney functioning and chromosome abnormalities. I had my second amniocentesis Tuesday...bladder still isn't emptying. I have the final amniocentesis Monday, and we will get the final results of kidney functioning and chromosome abnormalities back then. If the bladder hasn't emptied on its own by Monday I will have to have a shunt inserted. 
Anyone been through this nightmare before?? Please pray for our baby girl, and if you have a healthy baby...savor every moment of it!! We are hoping and praying there hasn't been irreversible damage to the kidneys. 😢