Anyone experience very short term morning sickness?

At the end of Week 5 I started feeling crummy. I bawled over the toilet not knowing what was wrong (having PCOS, sometimes they buildup of estrogen can make you sick in the mornings as if you have morning sickness). My husband stroked my hair.  We decided against a pregnancy test because "it would just break [my] heart again." 
Week 6 the nausea did not abate. We got a test, and it was positive.  We got a test from another brand.  Still positive. We went to the doctor's and I was immediately given an ultrasound to date our child since I could not remember the date of my last period. We found out I was almost seven weeks.
Week 7 was characterized by crushing fatigue and intense nausea.  No puking, just 15-30 minutes morning noon and night huddled over a toilet praying to please, please throw up. Week 7 Day 6 was the worst; I gagged at every street corner in my way to the office; however, I did have growing energy.
Week 8 Day 1 my sense of smell was stronger than usual and my aversions equally strong; however, my stomach only felt iffy. Today, the fridge and pantry do not bother me. I also do not feel nauseous one bit.
Anyone else ever experience the same?