What do these symptoms mean?


Id been having chest pain, heart flutters and a bad cough since the 2nd trimester, but it was really only when I layed down at night and it was never consistent. One of the recent times it happened I woke up at 2 am and couldn't fall back to sleep and by 3 my heart was racing with an extra thump. I went to the hospital and they did an EKG and some blood tests. My d-dimer test came back positive (the test for blood clots) but if you know anything about the test, you know that being pregnant can give you a false positive. The normal cut off for the test is 500 and mine was 2600. The dr and I came to the conclusion that since my symptoms were not consistent (I could go a week without anything really happening) that it was just a false positive and there was no need to put the baby at risk for radiation exposure with a cat scan. We came to the conclusion that it was just my already serious heart burn getting even more serious. He told me to take mylanta and follow up with my obygyn. Well the first night I took the mylanta I had a bad cough still but that was mostly it. The 2nd night I took it i had started to notice it was hard focusing with my vision, I called the hospital that had prescribed it to me to ask if that was a normal symptom, they said they didn't know and if I felt like I couldn't sleep because of it I should come in. Well I definetly ended up being dizzy and then sleepy, it felt like I had a buzz. I called my normal doctors office in the morning and she said do not take that anymore try Zantac

So I waited a day in between these 2 medications because I really don't like mixing things in 24hr time period. Well last night was the first time I took a zantac, and I went to sleep. This morning I was half awake and half asleep and suddenly felt the urge to pee and had an odd feeling in my stomach, I peed and realized I was having braxton hicks contractions. They were uncomfortable and made me feel a little nauseas but eased up when I laid down. I ate a snack and felt ok and went back to sleep until I had an appt for blood work this morning. I felt nauseas on the way there even after I ate, and when I was waiting to do my lab I stood up and saw floaters, these were much more prominent than what I normally saw and lasted about 30 seconds. They were like little black and silver stars all over. I called my dr and told him about the BH contractions and the stars and he said to go home and take it easy and drink lots of water (but it's important u know I take it easy practically every day, I stay at home and do as I'd like at my own pace). I felt like crap and my stomach sort of feels like I did sit ups but mostly on the right side. My body feels different and I'm typing this all up because I'm worried maybe the doctor isn't realizing something is wrong. And by that I mean maybe someone else has had similar symptoms and it came out to be something. This isn't my first pregnancy, my water broke at 20 weeks the first time and he ended up dying a few days later and I gave birth. I am currently 30 weeks and 1 day. Anyone have any suggestions? I'm at a loss for what's going on recently