Share your nightmares!

My anxiety gets pretty bad when I try to sleep and I read that if you have a panic attack before bed you're more likely to have a nightmare. So last night I had a panic attack when I tried to go to bed. I finally feel asleep after 6am. And I had a nightmare

I was on a school field trip to a huge townhome neighborhood. Everyone was being mean to me so I ran away on my own. I ended up near the community pool, but I wanted to get back to the group because I was scared. So I started running up the sidewalk and I see a parked car, I start to walk past it when this really tall man(23y/o) jumped out of the car and wouldn't let me past, he told me to take off my clothes. I screamed no get away from me, then he pulled out a gun. I ran, he fired a few shots, some neighbors came out and I jumped into the pool because I thought bullets weren't effective in water. He shot at me again anyway, I saw the bullet penetrate the water, but it sank directly to the bottom. I swam to the surface and there were police hand cuffing the guy, then I woke up.

I've been out of school for 3 years and I have unpleasant dreams about it often, I also have nightmares of being raped.

What kind if nightmares do you have?