How to tell if the ph test for amnio fluid was wrong?

Woke up at 3:30 this morning to a gush of fluid, like I squeezed a water balloon between my legs. I got up and peed and had to pee a lot so I figured that's all it was. Went and laid back down but kept getting paranoid that I was getting wetter. I got up and I leaked another tiny gush that started to run down my leg. I called the hospital and asked and they said it sounds possible that my water did in fact break and to come in. I waited until it was time for my husband to wake up, at 5:30 (I wanted to be sure I was leaking something before I made him skip work again), and I was so we went to L&D. They did the q-tip amniotic fluid PH test and it came back negative. But I'm still leaking just as much as I did this morning. I have read several blogs about that test being inaccurate and was curious if anyone on here could help me out so I don't have to call back to the hospital tonight. (My husband is a little worried lol) Also, I was having small contractions once I got to the hospital but the nurses didn't pay any attention to them since the test was negative :/