
Sj`s Mommy
OMG I am so mad right now. All I keep hearing about is updating my house (painting, putting in new countertops, pulling up carpet, etc.). Forget that I'm 36 weeks pregnant and trying to get my house clean. Hubby and I are cleaning things out so the house is pretty messy right now. All this stuff is either my mother-in-law's or my husband's-- it isnt mine but everyone acts like it is so they lecture me about throwing stuff away. All I hear is negative shit like my baby is going to get sick or she's going to choke on something. Like Jeez thanks a lot. I'm trying to get my bedroom clean so that she can have a comfy place to sleep but I keep having contractions so it's making it a much longer and harder process. The DR told me that they want me to try to go into labor next week on my own or they may have to induce so now I'm really freaking out. Everybody keeps fussing about everything and they don't see what I am doing. When I tell them my plan they just say uh huh and keep going on and on. I was also in a car accident last week so now we're trying to find me an attorney to appear for me in court (I received two citations). I keep having panick attacks one after the other and I get so lightheaded that I feel like I'm going to pass out. I just wish my annoying family would quit using their hands to point fingers and use them to pitch in instead. I'm already insanely worried about everything and I wish they would realize that. I'm also dealing with fears of labor like hemorrage and death and pain and other things. I try to put them in the back of my head but I wind up dreaming about them. I worry that I won't be able to enjoy time with my child or my husband because of worries from my family. I worry about my baby's heart. I've been so stressed and also in a car accident. I just hope she's okay in there. Hubby feels aweful and would help more but he's busy working and his job has mandatory overtime, which sucks. I try not to rant to him because he is also stressed. My family just acts like he's lazy and doesn't want to do anything. He doesn't have time to do anything! He basically has two jobs outside of the house and they are always all over him at his jobs. My family is over an hour away. It's like sure, just fuss and let me deal with it. Just keep telling me that we're all basically going to die if we live here because we aren't doing what you want. At least come down and help me dust the house! I mean, really? I drive up to see them all the time, but now I'm stuck in the house because my husband doesn't want for me to drive anymore for a while after my accident. That makes it extra hard because I don't have any company whatsoever and I tend to call people in my family just to have a conversation with a human instead of my cat or air. Just about everytime I get off the phone, I have another panic attack. I'm just so sick and freaking tired of negative, judgemental people who just have their noses in the air. Sure, family is a blessing-- but not when they don't help and just say shit without thinking! No one is worried about my family at all. It's all the house the house the house. I'm the only one cleaning baseboards and wiping down walls. Everyone else just talks and complains and says we need to freaking paint. We don't have time right now! They keep thinking that we just don't want to do it. We don't have time! All this fussing is driving me nuts. Anymore complaints like that and like that after I have this baby and I'm going to go off entirely. I'm going to lose my mind like this....