So my doctor just diagnosed me with MTHFR (both genes) & she didn't explain it at all. I'm confused. I've googled it but it's all so confusing to me. Anyone have advice or laymen terms as to what exactly it is..? I'm taking extra folic acid because of it is all I know..
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Posted at
I'm so sorry I thought it was shortcut to mother fucker lol , call the office and ask the nurse 


Deseree • Aug 26, 2016
Me too!!! 😂😂😂


Tiffany • Aug 26, 2016
You're not alone....... 😳 oops


Posted at
Mthfr stands for methyl tetra hydra folate reductase - it is an enzyme that allows folate to be used in the body by converting it. If you have MTHFR you cannot convert folate to the useful form so you have low levels, DNA cannot be properly formed, and it interferes with homocysteine detoxification and cell growth. Take a folinic acid supplement instead - the active form, and avoid folic acid 


Posted at
My wife is heterozygous MTHFR and her Reproductive Endocrynologist prescribed Folgard. This won't work for homozygous (both mutations) as the synthetics will just build up (and can actually harm you in the long run). Nothing to be scared of. You'll have some extra work in figuring out and planning your diet so that you get the folate you need (natural folic acid) and you can supplement with natural supplements - again, steering away from Folic Acid. We are 18w5d tomorrow and feel very lucky to have been diagnosed and have the info. Good luck!


Posted at
There is a group on Facebook called Natural Immunity Community and there are a lot of people on there familiar with this gene mutation. I see it posted often. They can give you a lot of advice and guidance on this. Good luck. 


Posted at
Ok so I have it too! My doctor explained it to me. Basically you dont absorb folate and b12 so you need to take them methylated. DO NOT TAKE FOLIC ACID! Makes it worse! Basically Folate is real and folic acid is fake. Also with that mutation you dont detox good on your own the way a body should so you need to try and avoid toxic things and detox as much as you can. Also can cause birth defects so you need to make sure your taking folate and b12 through out your whole pregnancy


Posted at
I don't know tooMuch about it , but What I understand that if you have that mutation your levels of homocysteine are higher and that's is not good at all , you need to go to a genetics doctor ...I believe u need to be in treatment (folid acid and b12 ) I have a son that has another kind of genetics disorder but has something in common with u ,, he has MMA cbl c ,, the thing in common is that he has deficiency of b12 and that cause to have a high homocysteine  levels . He takes for that b12 shots every day . The OBGYN Doctor is not the one can help you with , should be a genetic doctor ,, i found this info about it , if you want to check it out .


Jada • Dec 5, 2018
I have MTHFR and yes it causes a B12 deficiency but I DO get a B12 shot monthly from my OBGYN.


Posted at
Well it is a gene mutation that inhibits your ability to synthesize certain proteins. You should call your doctor and have them go over your specific risks and any risks to the baby as it will vary depending on other factors.