Terrible headaches during sex.

So every time I have sex with my fiance no matter WHAT position I get this terrible terrible pain in the back of my head and neck and really dizzy.. I'm 26 weeks pregnant. At first sex was the same, then I started getting super dizzy during sex, now it's dizziness and terrible headaches. I looked up 'headaches during sex in pregnancy' and what I found scares me... I'm not high risk and haven't had any issues what so ever with my pregnancy. It's been a pretty easy ride besides back pain here and there. But we just tried to have sex and instantly my neck/back of head started hurting. Like boom instant migraine. I can't enjoy sex cause of this the pain is SO BAD I can't focus on the pleasure I can only think about the pain. I'm in tears cause it hurts so bad and we stopped having sex about 10 minutes ago. I crave sex and I feel like it's impossible now... I just get so dizzy.. Then the pain.. I don't have another appointment with my obgyn till next month. Im really not a baby when it comes to pain, I usually handle it well. but this is putting me in tears.

Does anyone else on here in the same situation? I'm scared now cause of what I read online :/. I have no health issues what so ever... But yeah I screen shotted what I read online. :/ I feel like there's something wrong with me.