Baby born 37+6


My BP was kinda high at Wednesday's appointment with a little bit of protein. They sent me over to be evaluated and the hospital decided to induce after hours of back and forth.

They inserted the vagina balloon thing around 4pm... by far the most uncomfortable experience of my life. I accepted some light pain meds around midnight. At 4am the balloon finally came out. I was at a 4 for a couple more hours. They started the pitocin, and inserted a monitor. Again, just super uncomfortable.

At 10am I had an epidural. More discomfort. Around 130pm I was finally at a 10, pushed maybe 6 times, and he was here. 6lbs, 21 in. He started having retractions and wouldn't accept the breast, so he's currently in the nicu where they're taking it on a day to day basis.

They have a Webcam set up, so if I'm in too much pain to head down I can watch from my phone or computer.

Recovery is going okay. Super sore since I had to get an episiotomy, but everything else is well.