38 weeks


I'm 38 weeks tomorrow and feeling a bit confused!

I haven't seen my midwife since 34 weeks as my 36 week check up was with a doctor. The doctor didn't tell me much about baby's position, he just said she wasn't breech. I've been having the worst pelvic pain for a few weeks now and hoping I'm on the way to being engaged but doctor didn't tell me. He wasn't even sure where baby's head was! But did tell me that I'm measuring bigger than I should be.

I see a midwife Tuesday for my 38 week check up and I feel like I may be engaged and having baby early. Everyone in my family thinks she'll be here early too! I feel like the midwife might say I'm not engaged and I'll get my hopes up for nothing! Fed up of this pressure and very much ready to meet my baby!

Just feeling a bit hormonal and looking to see if anyone was in a similar situation.