Post partum bleeding TMI

I gave birth on 8/11 and on 8/23 the bleeding sort of stopped-- very light and then brown and then only when I wiped up until yesterday (8/26), I woke up and got out of bed and "felt" it come pouring out- I went to the Bathroom and peed, the toilet was filled with blood and some clots (none too big or concerning). Of course I freaked out and thought maybe I busted stitches (had a 2nd degree tear after delivery), so I had my hubby look and then take a pic to show me (lol) and I didn't see anything of concern, almost looked like my stitches have dissolved. My question is, should I call my doc? It is still heavy today-- I don't remember this with my first 3 years ago-- TIA
*edit-- no sex or anything"going in" down there