Is your SO helpful around the house??

My husband drives me crazy. I wish he would give a little more of a F at home as he does at work. I'm not his mom nor his cleaning lady. Every time I come home from work in his day off, the dirty dishes are still in the sink, the trash hasn't been taken out and what gets on my nerves the most is every time he does laundry he just throws his clean clothes on the bed in the spare room. He never folds them and puts them away. Just takes the clothes as he needs to wear them. He never makes the bed or picks up after himself. He takes his clothes off and just leaves them on the floor.   Sure he'll spend hours on his car cleaning and washing it.  He'll take time to water the yard. I've told him how I feel  may times. He'll change once and go back to his old ways. We're about to have our first in December and I just need him to help a little more.  I'm not picking up after a baby and a dog and him!!  Im not asking him to do all this stuff every day. Just on his days off. He can spend like 30 min to clean up and put shit away.  I'm about to make a "day off chores list". Anyone else have issues like this with their SO?