How would YOU feel about this text?

MissyYaYa 💋

So, I'm babysitting my neighbors child. No one in her family will help her. Her husband is out of town for work and has no one to watch this adorable pumpkin while she works. She works drops her off at 6 15pm and I bring her home about 10am. (She gets out of work at 3 am . So, being a mom myself and understanding the lack of sleep daycare issues, I said I'd keep her till 10 am vs 740 am when she wakes up. Mom's need sleep!)

So, she told me she had no time to feed her dinner tonight and she's hungry when she dropped her off tonight. She gave me a pack of Ramon Noodles to cook and give her. I did that. No problem . More noodles were on her then in her so I gave her a bath. (Mom already ok ed me giving her a bath and even said she doesn't always have time to do so. I agreed and did so with her permission).

Anyways- this is were it gets funky.

I'm giving her a bath. I hear my phone go off, in the other room . As soon as I walk out (I have her wrapped in a towel and her diaper and clothes in my hand) she had texted me asking how she was doing. She never asks how she's doing btw. I text her and always give her a quick mom update and say "hey- just wanted to let you know she's doing great. Very happy and were playing . I tell her how much she's eaten etc. I understand the nerves of leaving your child so I always give an update .

So as I said, she never asks about her until tonight. I was honest and said "she's doing good! She's a bit cranky tonight but all is well. I gave her her noodles and she ate half like you said she would. She's much happier now. She got really fussy and mad she couldn't take her blanket in the tub with her but she's all smiles now. Just got out of the bath and putting pj's on now". (She's never been cranky like this btw). So, I snapped a quick picture of her naked from the mid chest up with her blanket and she was all smiles and sent it to her mom in text. I did that to show she's happy now so basically not to worry. ( Nothing worse than hearing your kid is cranky and crying and you can't be there to comfort them.).

She says "yeah, I expected her to be fussy tonight and yeah, she does that sometimes with her blanket lol".

10 minutes later she writes:

"Hey so I really appreciate you giving her her baths and helping us! Lol but I don't know how I feel about her running around without her clothes on LOL! I'm not trying to make a stink of it. I just don't know how comfortable I am with it please don't be mad at me"

I quickly wrote that I'm not mad and I understand completely where she's coming from however she was definitely not running around the house naked or anything. I'm home alone and it's just us. I was giving her a bath and when you had texted me I was just taking her out of the bath and I didn't want to ignore your text. Since I had already told you she was very fussy tonight I wanted you to see a picture of her smiling so I took a quick picture of her in front of me and she just so happened to be naked. I did say that I was in the middle of putting her diaper and pajamas on and I just took her out of the bath tub. She's only naked for 2 to 3 seconds and I'm just in the mist of dressing her. I just didn't want to ignore your text and I'm so very sorry and please don't take this any other way". Attached was a picture of her dressed , hapoy, smiling .

I'm 40, a mom of two girls. I'd hate to break this to her but her daughter is in the best care possible when she's at my house. I took great offense to this even though I understand where she was coming from. (I kind of got really hurt). Like I'm not doing anything to your kid! You treat your kid and your husband like s*** and you are so lucky that I'm even the person watching her! She doesn't even understand how lucky she is to have ME watch her!. Smh.

This chick by the way beat the s*** out of her husband about a year ago. That is actually how I met them. He came to my door at 1 o'clock in the morning bloody and beaten by her. I knew I was getting into like a crazy person scenario but she seems very nice and I was not about to get into their personal situation. Their kid is super adorable and is the sweetest thing on earth and it's really nice to have another baby in the house and I'm never going to have anymore. I'm doing this more for me then I am for her really. But it just really upset me for her to even insinuate that I'm doing something wrong.

***edit- I re read this now. I forgot to mention how her mom is. In her reply to me she was totally being fake nice. She knows I'm "a tell it like it is" person and so is she supposedly . Her text wasn't a tell it like it is text, trust me. She was trying to be nice but let me know how she felt. I get that, I do. Trust me, this chic is a bit crazy. She's beaten down her own door to beat the shit out of her husband , is jealous , angry and sort of unstable in my opinion. She's been arrested for domestic violence 9 times in 2 years. She's violent and can be crazy. I know exactly how she meant her text that's why I was hurt. I'd never do anything wrong to her child or my own kids. Never. No one wanted to help her with the baby either (No wonder ) including her own family or his family . I was extremely hesitant myself due to her history and the things I've seen her do. (Like sneak around her own house at midnight , hide between cars, like a creeper , banging on doors, breaking windows of her own house and scurry to the garage to get in when he opens the front door cuz she was just banging on it. She gets into the garage door to the house (bc she distracted him with the front door then ran to the garage door) he tries to close the door and she beats him up. I've secretly had to call the cops on her 3 times when she started to beat up her husband.). I didn't want to get involved in anything with them as I knew some shit would eventually occur ---hense me wanting to answer her quickly too. She came to me with her sob story about how no one will help her and she needs to work and go to school . After her asking several times I said ok. I explained it would be nice to have a baby in the house again and how I understand daycare issues. Sure, I'll help. I just had posted a babysitting sign at church the day she asked so I thought it was coincidental. (trying to make extra money on my off days doing something I love ).

As I write this, the baby's sleeping and I'm hearing commotion outside. I go out and someone else is getting beaten up I guess. Some girl is SCREAMING and my husband ran to help along with our other neighbor . We don't live in a good neighborhood at all. You frequently hear gun shots and other things I don't want to get into . Cops know our street very well and it's unfortunately well known by them. The shit that goes on here is crazy. Not quite like Baltimore but pretty close. All this to say this mom is lucky were normal , loving, and caring. It really hurts my feelings to be accused of something I didn't do or would never do. Just venting and getting opinions