Anyone using babywise methods?

So I've had a lot of people tell me to use babywise. I started reading the book and began implement something right away, then kind of backed off and decided to wait until my son was 4-6 weeks old. He's pretty good all around, I think he has a hard time with gas so we've struggled with him being in pain from that, and the growth spurts/cluster feeding. But otherwise he sleeps from 8-1 at night, then wakes again around 4... He doesn't always go back down, or go down easily after the 4am feed... Anyway, back to my question. I want him to be a good sleeper for all of our sakes, but I want him to be able to sleep wherever, not just in his carefully curated room and routine. Our nighttime routine that seems to be working has me nursing at 7, then bath, then story, or additional nursing session, which I'm trying to see if it keeps him asleep longer, then he goes to bed... But what if we want to go out to dinner at 7 one night? I don't want to have to have someone watch him every time we do anything out of the house, and I want to get him used to restaurants and public places? So can I haven't cake and eat it too? Or is babywise not the right path for us?