Membrane Sweep worked wonders!!!!

Well I had posted yesterday about getting my membranes sweeped and this was the first time for baby number 3 but I've obviously got it done with my forst 2 pregnancy and nothing!!! Well i kept crmping and contracting here and there all day until my contractions were 5 mins apart at around 8pm so i headed to L&D 😊 At 10 pm they sent me home saying because they didnt think i was progressing even though I dilated a cm in 45 mins so back home i went. On the drive home it only got worse and but i was afraid to go back because i thought theyd just send me home again. At 1145 I could take the pain anymore and my contractions were 2-3 mins apart so i headed back to L&D! By the time i got upstairs and was told to put my gown on, sat down because I thought I had to pee anx my water broke 😲 After that they checked me and I was 9cm at 1235. Felt the erge to push and popped out my little love at 1246am with no epidural for the first time. No tearing or stitches need either 😍💙💙 Truly blessed and in love with him and his perfect little face😘