38 week check-up

Had my 38week check-up today. 2cm dilated, not much of course, she said my cervix was very ripe but did not say how effaced I was. Last week I was 1cm, with 30% effaced.  We are scheduled for induction in one week due to babies large size. Dr told me today that we may not make it to induction! This made me really happy because I didn't want to get induced if I didn't have to. So within a week I will be holding my baby boy. Very exciting. 
When I had my son four years ago we got induced voluntarily. I went in had 12 hrs of pit and only went from completely closed to a 1cm in that 12 hrs. They sent me home and had me come back 3 days later and did cervidil then pit. Finally after 46 hrs of my second round of pit my son was born. So I was hopeful to go natural this time.
Today she said even if we do make it to induction, it won't take even nearly as long. My cervix and body are already well on their way to be ready for labor. 
Very excited!