Amniotic fluid @ a 5 😬

Tuesday morning I had an ultrasound to check for baby's weight (b/c he got big fast), and the tech was very concerned with my fluid level being at a 5.0. I'm 36/4 and apparently it should be 8-18. 😞 So the midwife had me come in for a NST. I laid there for an hour and a half waiting for the baby's heart rate to increase at least 3 times in his own. I BARELY passed it. Otherwise they were going to send me to the hospital for fluids and possible induction if the fluids didn't work. 
But since I passed and baby's heart rate did increase they didn't transport me. HOWEVER I have until Thursday morning to get my amniotic fluid level up. I'm scared and do not want to be induced. This is my first and I want to go full term. 
Anyone have any advice on getting fluid level up besides downing electrolytes & rest, or have experience with a lo level like this???Â