In L&D and irritated

K so I've felt like I'm slowly leaking fluid finally at 11pm I went to L&D to be checked, they checked dilation which is still 2cm, and ran the test for amniotic fluid, after two hours she came in and turned monitor off saying baby looked good contractions ten mins apart but that's ok, and just waiting for test results, about 20mins later she came back in and turned machine back on saying test was positive and that is be staying overnight and admitted, they called dr and he wanted the test repeated so she checked me again and said 2-2.5cm and that if I don't dilate on my own I may have to have pitocin, now the second test is negative(after she checked me with gel) and they think it just a pin whole but still monitoring me till am, I'm so confused and feel like they getting my hopes up, I thought it was time she told me to call family and have them on alert now I feel like a crazy person for calling my family uuuggghhh I'm so tired and frustrated, waiting to see what dr wants to do next