Afraid of not ovulating 😞

Mrs. F
So, I stopped birth control a week ago after only 5 months of taking it. I surprisingly got a positive OPK on Sunday then started bleeding Sunday night which I assume is withdrawal bleeding or my period because I was due in a couple of days anyway. The positive OPK is still confusing to me but I digress. In the past, I've always bounced back quickly as far as periods and ovulating goes. After each of my kids were born, I got my period right on the 6 week mark and my periods have always been "to the day" predictable. The only reason I went on birth control is because I have adenomyosis and needed to thin out my uterus some so we could get pregnant. I feel great, my bleeding was the same this week as it always is and my body feels the same but no matter how my body has been in the past, I'm still terrified that I'm not going to ovulate. So please send lots and lots of baby dust our way 👶🏼✨