Question about how labor progresses

So with my first I was induced at 41+1 weeks, and never even felt a contraction or anything until then, and it went from 0 to 100 pain wise real fast. So what I'm wondering is when labor comes on naturally, was it bearable pain that gradually got worse and worse? Or were the contractions very painful from the very beginning? Because from what I read online, it's supposed to be gradual not only with the time spacing but with the pain level. But from movies and tv shows (which I get are highly dramatized) the woman will be fine and then all of a sudden, it will hit her and she just kind of instantly knows and says "the baby is coming". From what I understand, a lot of woman don't recognize they are in labor right away? Idk, I know every story is different so I guess just share how you felt and how you knew you were in labor if you weren't induced. Thank you!