My Surprise baby, #3 as i have called him for 9 months, woke Mommy up with terrible contractions at ...

My Surprise baby, #3 as i have called him for 9 months, woke Mommy up with terrible contractions at 3am! At 6am they admitted me into labor and deivery and told me they would break my water in an hour or so. I was in terrible pain so they gave me an epidural right away. My Dr came in to check me and said I'm gonna break her water now, so she can get him out in an hour or 2. About 15 minutes later the contraction pain had started to subside but i had intense pressure and i thought my cathader was falling out. I asked the nurse to check and she said, oh wow, i need your Dr, it is the baby!!! My Dr came in and suited up, they got me all ready and he said push when i am ready, i literally pushed twice and there he was!! NICU nurses on hand due to an arithmea (sp?) and my own Dr actually on call made this experience so much easier for me!! I was totally able to relax and bring baby in to the world calmly! 
Lucas William entered the world @ 8:20 am weighing 7lbs, 6ozs, 19" long, 2 hours after they admitted me! The NICU nurses were not needed, his heart and everything else is perfect! 
Mommy and Baby are healthy and great! 
Welcome to the world my last baby!