Hi everyone! My wife & I have been TTC with failed <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a>'s 🕳 Now we are moving on to our very 1st <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> starting this month & we are really nervous. 
• unexplained infertility/LUFS (Luteinized Unruptured Follicle Syndrome)
• Using CBB donor sperm 
• cycle is due to start around September 3-6th
Will update when I go to my first appointment!
Please send me baby dust, tips and good vibes! 
❤️Update Sept 2, 2016 : started my cycle yesterday, so went to my RE today, got a blood test and EKG . Put on clomid for 10 days, due to come back for more testing on the 7th (next Wednesday for me) to potentially start antagonist injections. Hoping this is the cycle for us, please GOD, send us baby dust and prayers everyone please! ❤️
💜 Update Sept 7, 2016: CD7, clomid day 6, First day of injections. Yay, I don't have to give them to myself, I can't, so my doctor said I can come everyday to get them administered.... So besides going back everyday for shots, I will go back on the 10th to check ovaries again... If everything goes well, by calendar, my ER should be on the 14th-17th. That's so soon!! Will update calendar when I get home. 😊💜
^pic 1 calendar so far^