BFP and implantation bleeding
One of the things that I stalked the Glow forums and interwebs for during my tww was the whole "implantation bleeding" symptom. I followed every single post and compared my pre-period spotting to so many of other's descriptions.
So, now that I have finally gotten my BFP this weekend (!!!) I thought I'd come back and give you all TMI about the implantation bleeding I experienced.
The background: my period arrives less-than regularly on Day 25 to Day 32, different each month. This could be just how my body is, or due to the small uterine fibroids I have. I've been TTC for a few years now, and we eventually had male factor infertility diagnosed last year and non-stimulated IUIs this year. My third <a href="">IUI</a> was the one that worked. So very, very happy!
Anyway, here's the TMI ;-)
I always have a few days of brown spotting and strings before my period, sometimes up to five days worth. Of course, each month I was googling if this was implantation bleeding! And, of course, some people's IB looks just like that. This month, however, I got to 10dpo and I still hadn't had any spotting. 11dpo I had a tiny brown spot, then nothing again up until the day my period was due, 13dpo.
Meanwhile, the three days before my period was due I had my usual pms symptoms. Moody, emotional, cramping, bloated and convinced AF was on her way.
Friday morning, 13dpo and the day AF was due, I went to the toilet and there was bright red blood. More than a spot, a substantial amount when wiping, so I put on a pad, told DH that we were out this month and went to get chocolate ;-) All day and night I had more cramping, just like AF usually does, but only medium bright red spots on the pad.
Saturday morning, and we decide to do a HPT "just in case", as it's exactly 2 weeks since the <a href="">IUI</a>. I use the FMU, and again when I wipe there is bright red blood.
But, 5 minutes later, there are TWO lines on our test! Complete shock.
Two more tests from two different brands during the day confirmed it. I guess I am one of those 20-30% implantation bleeders. Mad crazy happy tears (from both of us!) follow.
The cramps continue all day, and night, and I notice my sense of smell is heightened. Sunday morning, 15dpo, a few red spots and one small dark red "clot"/tissue. Monday small brown spots. And then nothing since then - no blood or cramps, just super-smell! - today is 19dpo. First ultrasound is scheduled for 26th September.
So, there's my implantation blood story. My pre-period spotting was gone, but it felt exactly like I was getting my period. I hope my (long, sorry!) story reassures and helps some other lovely Glow ladies xox
Oh, and my test says "Zwanger" because that means pregnant in Dutch.

Let's Glow!
Achieve your health goals from period to parenting.